Monday, November 12, 2007


First of all, I can't tell you how much everyone's kind words have encouraged me. You have all blessed me so much. My spirit has truly been lifted. Words cannot express.

Here are a few pictures to make up for my blogging break...

She loves her "kitty condo" my grandparents gave us!

Crochet is fun for kitties, too. Here you can see my wrap in the works is also useful as a pillow :)

And finally, what fun I had at Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's today!

Christmas projects, here I come!

1 comment:

Mackenzie said...

Oh it does look like you had fun! :) I can't wait to see what you're planning with your new goodies! :) I'm glad you're feeling better...don't underestimate the powers of a good hot cup of tea and some chocolate though! ;-)


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