I was terrified to sew with a new fabric (I always am) so I set out to find one in a store. The most decent, modest, non clingy one I could find was 88$. Lets just say that *inspired* me to try my hand at making one :)
Here is my attempt. I do like it alot- but its a bit big. So then I put an old Jersey skirt, one that is much too small to be decent anymore, underneath it... as a petticoat, if you will. That solved the clingy problem, and the too big problem--- although I think I will wear a long shirt underneath in case it creeps down. Well this is a terrible self portrait, but you get the idea!
I couldn't find a pattern for one I liked- so I just winged it! It has a foldover waistband, and I think would be just perfect for maternity. If anyone desires it, I'll put up a more comprehensive tutorial!
And now just for fun... look what I picked up at the store!
She crawled into the bag while I was unpacking groceries. Only she didn't seem to like it when I picked the bag up. Tee hee.