We hung a butterfly mobile above her changing table. She is much more amenable now to having her diaper changed. We got the changing table off craigslist for $20. Hubby just spray painted a few touch ups, and its good as new! The baskets were shower gifts. In the corner is the "diaper champ". Same price as the diaper genie, but you don't have to buy the little bags. Any old trashbag will do.
I absolutely love this quote. I saw it on a *very expensive* frame, so we had a friend calligraphy it and then I framed it. I think it turned out so lovely! She is so talented.
We bought her a dresser from an Aunt of mine who was moving. Quite a steal at $25! The painting and framed scripture were gifts, and the lamp I've had for quite a while. You can see her little laundry cube on the floor... this child generates a lot of dirty clothes :)
And of course, her really cute crib that she doesn't sleep in :) It was mine when I was a baby, so we were very blessed to have my parents give it to us!
The toy bin I've had for a while. I used to store my fabric stash in it!
Here is Evie's ...and any guests... bathroom. :)
I painted the sign, and we got the shower curtain at Target.com.
I got the pretty frame at Hobby Lobby, half price, and they marked it down even more since it was scratched :)
This is an old frame I had... revamped with wedding pictures.
So the moral of the story is... decorating on a budget takes a while longer and some creativity... but is very do-able! :)